Get to know what we do

An image of Albany Pine Bush employees checking research equipment out in the pine barrens
Albany Pine Bush employees collecting data in the barrens

The Basics

Our work centers on building knowledge and ensuring the sustainability of the living and non-living components of this inland pine barrens ecosystem. We work to promote and protect conditions that allow native plants and animals to persist and be enjoyed by visitors and the local community.


Visitors on a hike with our educators.

We depend on community

From a visitor sharing their appreciation for this natural resource to legislators working to ensure funding for the preserve each year, the actions of thousands of individuals help protect this unusual and dynamic landscape.

Visit our Ways You Can Help page to become part of this effort.


An aerial image of the Discovery Center and surrounding pine barrens.
The Discovery Center and surrounding pine barrens. Photo by Gary Gold.


Management Plan

The Management Plan and Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the Albany Pine Bush Preserve describes how the Commission will accomplish its vision for a viable preserve.


Our organization

The Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission was established by the New York State Legislature in 1988. The law that created the Commission recognizes the "pitch pine-scrub oak barrens . . .  [as] a landscape of rare and endangered natural communities and species," and makes it our responsibility to "manage the preserve for the purposes of its protection and controlled and appropriate recreation and education purposes."