Science Lecture Series Webinar: Conserving shrubland wildlife with the help of DNA

Thursday, September 21, 2023 | 7:00 pm

7:00 pm - 08:00 PM

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Suitable for adults.

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Sept 21 lecture.


Adrienne Kovach
Natural Resources and the Environment
University of New Hampshire

Shrublands, including thickets, coastal scrub-shrub, and early successional forest habitats, are productive ecosystems that support rich biodiversity. These habitats are relatively uncommon on the modern, human-altered landscape; as a result, shrubland-dependent species are on the decline and in need of conservation assistance. In the last decade, large-scale shrubland habitat restoration efforts have been ongoing in the Northeast, largely to benefit the imperiled New England cottontail. This talk focuses on what we’ve learned from those efforts and how DNA and other tools can help us to monitor the impacts of our conservation actions. We also examine how habitat created for New England cottontail can benefit shrubland-dependent birds, with a special focus on the prairie warbler. 


Online Webinar