Community Science: Tracking Turkeys in New York State
Saturday, July 13, 2024 | 11:00 am
11:00 am
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Suitable for Ages 6-10, Tweens, Teens and Adults
Once extirpated from New York State, wild turkeys can now be found throughout the state, including New York City. NYS DEC wildlife biologist Michael Muthersbaugh will discuss this wildlife restoration success story, how the numbers again are decreasing, and how you can help track turkeys while you are out and about this summer. This program will take place inside the Discovery Center.
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Albany Pine Bush Discovery Center
From I-87 take exit 2W (Rt 5 West, Central Avenue). Follow Rt 5 for about 2 miles then turn left onto Rt 155 (New Karner Rd). Continue on Rt 155 for about 1.2 miles. The Discovery Center is located on the left at 195 New Karner Road. (518)456-0655
195 New Karner Road Suite 1
Albany, New York
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