Dr. Rixiang Huang holding a charred stick

Science Lecture Series Webinar: The Legacy of Fire in Soil

Thursday, March 17, 2022 | 7:00 pm

7:00 pm - 08:00 PM

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This online webinar is on March 17th at 7pm. You will receive an email with a link to the program. Please check your SPAM folder. 

Suitable for Adults

Fires, whether started naturally, accidentally, or purposefully by people, are a powerful disturbance in many ecosystems. Fires burn plant biomass and litter and while we can easily spot these aboveground changes during and after fire, changes in soil are relatively difficult to see. Come to this webinar by University at Albany professor Dr. Rixiang Huang to learn about the changes to soil chemical components and microbial community by fires and their interactive response. The consequences of such changes on soil health and vegetation will also be discussed.  

Registration is required. Please click here to register. You will receive an email with the zoom link. Please check your SPAM folder.

If you have trouble logging in the evening of the program please contact support@albanypinebush.org for help.

All guests are welcome and encouraged to actively participate in our limited access in-person and virtual programs through interactive questions and conversation.  The Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission (APBPC) requests that guests respect that such interactions will be respectful and that the content of such interactions will be pertinent to our in-person and virtual programs.

Online Webinar