Community Science Volunteer (Seasonal Opportunities)

Community Science programs aspire to instill in our community members knowledge and appreciation of the Pine Bush while also providing us with scientific information that informs our restoration and management efforts.

To see all of the current Community Science opportunities offered at the preserve visit our calendar.

The Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission is looking to engage people in science work at the preserve, both in helping to collect data and in getting a detailed look at what we do and why. Our Community Science Program seeks to collect data that can contribute to our scientific understanding of the ecology and management of the preserve while offering meaningful engagement opportunities to our constituency. 

Community Science opportunities are offered as the need arises. For example, we will have information sessions in May for those willing to help us survey Eastern whip-poor-wills and American woodcocks and in October for neighbors who can help us measure snowpack during the winter months.

Our programs offer a rare backstage look into the science program at the Albany Pine Bush Preserve. They provide our community with opportunities to engage and participate in the science themselves. Our community scientists can provide the Commission with data at a geographical and temporal scope which would be difficult for us to obtain on our own. Both programs aspire to instill in our community members knowledge and appreciation of the preserve and the Commission while also providing us with scientific information that informs our restoration and management efforts.

This is your preserve, your backyard, your globally-rare, nationally-significant and locally- distinct habitat.


Date Posted: 12-18-2017

Expire Date: Open until filled

Contact Name: Sarah Reilly, Community Connections Coordinator

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