Discover the Night
Nighttime Activities
Activities for exploring the dark
Shadow Puppets!
All you need for this activity is a dark space (indoors or outdoors), a strong light source (a lamp, the moon on a clear night), and a pair of hands! Download the guide to make shadows that look like some of the animals found at the Pine Bush.

Have a friend or family member join you and act out a scene between a few creatures!
Download instructions to make Pine Bush animal shadows.
A spark in the dark
Watch the video above or click here to download instructions for a sweet trick you can perform with wintergreen lifesavers.
Test your color vision at night
Have you ever noticed when light starts to fade, so does our color vision? Click here to try a fun activity and learn about color vision at night!
Listen to a story!
Check out Storytime with our Lead Educator, Jackie. We introduce you to a book about what animals do at night.