Smokey Bear Day 2024

The Albany Pine Bush Preserve will host its annual Smokey Bear Day on Saturday October 5, 2024, 10am – 2pm at the Discovery Center located at 195 New Karner Road in Albany.

Christopher Hawver, Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission Executive Director said, “We invite the community to come out and meet Smokey Bear with this free annual event. Smokey Bear Day provides a family-friendly opportunity to learn why fire is an important natural component to this globally-rare ecosystem.”

Smokey – one of the most-beloved issue ambassadors of our time – and his signature phrase, “Only you can prevent wildfires,” are truly iconic. Smokey also teaches us that fire can be an important part of maintaining diverse and healthy ecosystems. Ecosystems that are dependent on fire to thin the forest canopy and cultivate the forest floor are slowly transformed without enough natural fire. Sunlight-dependent native plant species are overtaken by those that like shade, and the whole ecosystem becomes less diverse, more dense from undergrowth, and littered with dead plant material. Fire managers can reintroduce fire into fire-dependent ecosystems with prescribed fire. Under specific, controlled conditions, the beneficial effects of natural fire can be recreated, fuel buildup can be reduced, and we can prevent the catastrophic losses of uncontrolled, unwanted wildfire. Visit to learn more.

Visitors to Smokey Bear Day will learn how the Albany Pine Bush Preserve uses prescribed fire to keep the unique habitat, listed as a National Natural Landmark, healthy for the unusual species of plants and animals that thrive there. Smokey Bear and a New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Forest Ranger will make appearances throughout the day, and Albany Pine Bush Preserve Fire Management and Education staff will be on hand.

Erin Kinal, Education Program Director said, “There will be interactive exhibits on prescribed fire, refreshments and Smokey goody bags for visitors to take home. Visitors will have multiple opportunities throughout the event to meet Smokey Bear.”

All ages are welcome. The event will be held rain or shine at the Albany Pine Bush Discovery Center at 195 New Karner Road, Albany. This is a free event. Children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. For more details visit or call 518-456-0655.

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