April 2024 Volunteer of the Month

April 19, 2024

Please meet the April 2024 Volunteer of the Month, naturalist and docent Richard Moore.

Since 2022, Richard has greeted countless visitors to the Discovery Center and spent much of his time on trails and in the water on his kayak at 6 Mile Waterworks.
Originally from central New Jersey, Richard moved to the Albany area with his wife in 2000 having accepted a position at SUNY-Albany. He retired from the school in 2013, then continued for another 2 years as an adjunct professor and consultant for a company associated with the school. He officially left in 2017- and was in search of something that suited his personal interests to fill his newfound time.  He served 5 years as a docent at the Saratoga Auto Museum, surrounded by incredible cars, motorcycles, and even submarines; but found himself looking for something closer to his home.

As someone who has always loved the outdoors, growing up walking in woods and fields every chance he had, the volunteer naturalist position seemed a perfect fit for him. Prior to finishing his naturalist training, Richard was approached to become a docent at the center and began his volunteer work in that capacity first. He then finished his naturalist training while being an active docent, and now divides his time walking trails and doing shifts at the Discovery Center. In his spare time, he still enjoys kayaking and fishing trout in the 6-mile reservoir. He also enjoys motorcycles and playing piano.

He says his favorite part of volunteering is a tough question. “The best part is the interaction with the staff and visitors. Walking the trails ranks a close second”, and that “The entire staff have also made me feel welcome and useful.  I always look forward to my shifts and my trail walks”. Richard’s favorite trail is Blueberry Hill West, and he enjoyed when he assisted with replacing screens on one of the Discovery Center’s turtle tanks.

Richard was nominated by Visitor Services Specialist Vicki Stoodley for being our new Trailside Interpretation Coordinator. He will be coordinating with other volunteers to set up information tables at trailheads to help reach more visitors that come to the preserve. He has been a welcome presence on the trails and in the Discovery Center, and we are grateful for his dedication and all the hours spent volunteering. Congratulations, Richard!


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